Core Team

Olu Adenekan - CEO, Founder

The creative mind and driving force behind Division 6ix. Olu is hyper-competitive and a natural strategist. However, Olu’s strongest asset may be his ability to intuit and react to information, Division 6ix is always changing and becoming more streamlined under his leadership.

Khalil Mohamed - Head of Technology

A Tech and Business Wizard, Khalil Is Responsible for Keeping Our Online Infrastructure Up and Running.

Kris Nguyen - Head of Operations

Operations manager and House leader for Topaz. Kris Nguyen’s administrative skills are second to none, managing Division 6ix’s finances, providing legal oversight for the companies’ ventures and always working hard to keep his Esports team competing.

Amanda Namenyi - Head of Graphic Design

Amanda works closely with our Head of Merchandise to ensure we’re always producing high-quality clothing and merchandise. Amanda is also the talent behind most of our logos and NFT designs.

Sanu Ogunkoya - Head of Marketing

Marketing, Exposure, Engagements, conversion. Sanu is a master at making D6ix token appeal to everyone, and converting interested customers into viable investors, partners and more.

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