An Esports-Integrated Blockchain Franchise With Full Utility

Whitepaper V1.0


Pioneers, Metaverse investors, and Esports aficionados, welcome all to Division 6ix's model for the future.

Everyone reading this, and we mean really reading this, we all have one thing in common. We want to change the world. Whether you want to fight against the inequalities of the contemporary Esports Industry, want to battle the existing Fiat-Dominated global economies, or define the newly-burgeoning Metaverse, D6ix Token is for you.

D6ix Token is the flagship cryptocurrency of Division 6ix’s Blockchain Franchises, tailor-made to be readily accessible, to be traded, to provide utility to the user within Division 6ix’s Esports Academy, tournament hosting services, and Metaverse. D6ix Token doesn’t just give Esports fans their own custom cryptocurrency, but creates a token with utility. Integrated into our world-class Esports Academy and Tournament Hosting service, D6ix Token’s value isn’t simply speculative, it can be exchanged for coaching, learning materials, and more. Everything that an Esports player needs to develop, to turn from Contender to Champion.

The immediate accessibility and utility of D6ix Token is just the beginning. D6ix Token’s ease of use and utility doesn’t just make it a highly sought-after virtual commodity, but it also provides an introduction to cryptocurrency trading to our wide player base. After D6ix Tokens, Division 6ix are looking to launch a series of custom, collectable NFTS, D6ix Gems, then a set of VR-Integrated Virtual Lands. Eventually developing an entire ecosystem of cryptocurrency collectables and obtainable items within Division 6ix. Our playerbase won't just be equipped by D6ix Token to take these bold steps into a new Metaverse, but they will be trained by D6ix token, encouraged to become the kind of crypto traders we need to build the future of entertainment.

D6ix Token is the first step in what will be a complete takeover of the Esports Industry as we know it. A Freemium Model that encourages progressive crypto investment, as well as improving Esports play. Division 6ix isn’t just going to turn its contenders into Esports Champions, but competent and invested traders.

D6ix Token

The D6ix Token is the basic currency of the Division 6ix Galaxy, it can be earned in very small quantities, or purchased in bulk at an affordable price. The D6ix Token is modelled on existing in-game virtual currencies, being possible to acquire through performing certain gamified tasks, and being tradable for access to premium resources and merchandise.

A Gamified Crypto Model

D6ix Token is built on a gamified acquisition, retention and spending structure. Able to be earned through participation in Division 6ix activities, such as winning our tournaments, participating in wagers or completing our challenges. Modelled from the “freemium” models world-class Esports games utilise, D6ix Token can be earned through tournament performance, among other things, but will be much easier to acquire in bulk through spending. D6ix Token is also a token with utility for gamers. D6ix Token can be traded for coaching, access to tournaments with high-value prize pools, and merchandise.

D6ix Token has been designed like this for several reasons. Firstly, we think that the gamified structure of D6ix Token will encourage player retention, ensuring that the work of our aspiring Esports players is appropriately rewarded, and they have a reason to keep progressing their Esports career. However, it doesn’t end with simple accessibility, D6ix Token is designed to be a fun introduction to the idea of trading virtual currency or cryptocurrency. D6ix Token, in theory, will create a pipeline from player to trader, being a fun, safe introduction to the Metaverse for young people.

An example of D6ix Token's Gamified model we're particularly proud of are D6ix Wagers. D6ix Wagers are self-descriptive, the involved parties wager their D6ix Token, betting on tournament outcomes, 1v1s and limited other options within the Division 6ix Ecosystem. Not only does this provide another way for people to acquire D6ix Token without expenditure, from winning wagers with other participants, but it further provides a fun utility for our Token.

Divison 6ix Galaxy

The Division 6ix Galaxy is the First Esports Metaverse for the Division 6ix Ecosystem. It has different functionalities and different features. Some components of the Division 6ix Galaxy are listed below

D6ix Gems

D6ix Gems are our custom-made NFTs. Unlike the D6ix Token, they are a much more standard form of cryptocurrency, designed to be traded and collected like any NFT, only having a few key features and functions that set them apart from all other currencies on the market. Firstly, D6ix Gems provide their owner with a unique “Title”, meaning that the holder of a D6ix Gem will be officially titled in-company with a given name or title such as “Crypto Contender” or “D6ix Founder”. This encouraging a collecting aspect with D6ix Gems and means that owners will be able to reap the hard-won benefits of purchasing one of our limited Gems. For traders, however, things get a little more interesting. The more a Gem is traded, the more the NFT becomes “Refined”, its aspects and properties may change depending on how many times this gem is traded or exchanged. This provides a reason for NFT trading, and as the price of the NFT itself rises, the properties of this Gem changes. Our D6ix Gems will also be completely Metaverse-integrated, with owners being able to access their Gems within the metaverse. Either as in-character possessions, cosmetics, or decorations for their Virtual Land.

We're also looking into allowing people to access clips of their gameplay as NFTs. This puts power in the player's hands and allows a degree of customisation to NFTs, so that collectors and fans can both access their favourite gameplay moments.

This system was designed to gamify the two primary aspects of NFT ownership, trading and collection. Adding utility and extra customization to our cryptocurrency traders, and extra benefits for crypto collectors.

  • The first Gem and most valuable gem will be the black gem which will represent the whole of the Division 6ix ecosystem, the journeys and all experiences and individuals that have contributed to the success of the organisation. This gem can never be won in any tournament.

  • The next set of Gems will be the ones that represent all the professional players in the Division 6ix official professional team. These gems can only be won in competitions against the professional players in the Division 6ix professional team.

  • The next set of Gems will be the ones that represent all the semi-professional players in the Division 6ix semi professional teams. These gems can be won in tournaments and can also be bought by competitive esport players.

  • The next set of gems will be the ones that represent the Division 6ix Esports Academy. These gems can be won in tournaments, traded and can also be bought by other academy players. These gems represents the players ranks in the Academy.

  • The next set of gems will be the gems that represent all tournaments and competitions on the Division 6ix Eco system from seasonal tournaments to wagers and so on. These gems can be won through tournaments, can be traded and can also be bought.

  • The last set of gems are exclusive gems which will one released from time to time and are limited in numbers.

Division 6ix Virtual Land (Virtual Esports Arenas

On the Division 6ix Galaxy, the public will now be able to purchase virtual lands in form of Esport arenas where they can grow their own virtual esport teams, sign their own virtual Esport players and also take part in various competitive tournaments on the Division 6ix Galaxy. Each owner of a virtual land will be able to earn revenue from advertising spaces, loaning out of players or selling players, winning tournaments and many more. The Division 6ix virtual Lands will be customizable and will also be a place to meet some of the best Esport players in the world, display and show off Gems, trophies and performance history and ranking.

Division 6ix Streaming Platform

The Division 6ix streaming platform is here to solve a major problem in the Esports Industry. The biggest gaming streaming provider currently in the world is Twitch with an average of 41.5m users in the US alone and over 5.79bn hours watched worldwide. Earnings in the Esport community is one sided. Players earn and supporters/fans simply don’t. There is very less incentive to keep fans from staying up to support streamers daily. Point is even the biggest esports streamers in the world have to put in a lot of work to make a decent living streaming video games and also have to find a way to sustain their fans. The Division 6ix streaming platform aims to solve this issue. Players will earn D6ix Tokens when they spend a certain amount of time streaming video games and content on the Division 6ix streaming platform and now fans/supporters will also earn D6ix Tokens when they spend a certain amount of time watching and interacting with players on the Division 6ix platform. This will bring in greater revenues from advertising and sponsorships and will be used to fund income for the fans and players.

My NFT Console

Division 6ix plans to go into video game development in 2023. The plan? Very simple Division 6ix is going to purchase the hardware system, combine it with our software system and onboard various game developers onto our console platform. Players will now be able to compete for NFT’s, Gem’s and many more on their NFT consoles and will also be able to swap for D6ix tokens and purchases games using NFT’s.

More Features on the Division 6ix Galaxy

  • The D6ix Passports; which gives the ability to individuals to purchase certain virtual esports arenas and lands on different parts of the Division 6ix Galaxy.

  • Division 6ix plans to franchise all semi-professional teams on the Division 6ix Ecosystem, allowing for the rental of our players and player-themed assets within a limited capacity. This can be anything from using a player’s respective skins, to getting that player in your server to visit and play friendlies.

  • Custom made avatars for Esport players and content creators on the Division 6ix Galaxy to show performance statistics and rankings and MANY MORE!


D6ix Token is set apart from any other Cryptocurrency, from any other Esports Cryptocurrency especially, by its utility. Attempts by Crypto-orgs to enter the Gaming community have been largely successful, but slow to grow and unstable.

We believe that this is because these respective Cryptocurrencies have nothing to offer Esports players that the average cryptocurrency does not. D6ix Token by contrast provides and unifies several vital features for any Esports trainee or Metaverse pilgrim. The Esports industry, in spite of its explosive growth, is still largely underdeveloped in several key factors, D6ix Token weaponizes this gap in the market to set itself apart from its competitors and truly enact a new, promising Metaverse integration.

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